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On this page you'll find  all the latest news and culture tips as Performance by Design continues to drive change within organisations globally.
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Learn how to effectively respond to feedback

Feedback can be positive, letting us know that we are doing something well, or it can take the form of constructive criticism, informing us of things that we could be doing a little better.

A meeting makeover

This podcast from Brene Brown with Priya Parker discusses how coming out of the pandemic is a great time of reset for leaders and organisations

The great resignation

The unrelenting pressure on already burnt out and psychologically damaged workers has prompted a phenomenon called "The Great Resignation"

High performing teams are the secret to success

Performance measurement is a process that all businesses undertake in some way or another. However, organisations tend to underestimate its contribution to achieving strategic success as well as correctly take action from what the results show.

What does a business consultant do?

Performance measurement is a process that all businesses undertake in some way or another. However, organisations tend to underestimate its contribution to achieving strategic success as well as correctly take action from what the results show.

The Benefits of Measuring Performance in the Workplace

Performance measurement is a process that all businesses undertake in some way or another. However, organisations tend to underestimate its contribution to achieving strategic success as well as correctly take action from what the results show.

High Performance Teams
How to Empower Your A-Players to Become Great Leaders

This podcast looks at Erin Meyers work with Netflix and discusses the research from Professor Will Phelps on culture and its impact on organisations. He discovered that tolerating poor performers within your team, can hinder overall team efficiency by up to 45%.

What Is Executive Coaching
What Is Executive Coaching?

If you’re a manager, and you feel like you may have plateaued in terms of performance, then an executive coach may be able to get you moving again. These high-level coaches offer training and support to help you grow personally and professionally.

Cultural Awareness In The Workplace
Cultural Awareness In The Workplace

The workplace is a rapidly changing environment and it's never been more important to appreciate the importance of cultural awareness. Doing so can ensure that an organisation has a diverse make-up, and that different talents, viewpoints, and perspectives can be shared openly and without fear.

Women in Leadership
Women in Leadership

The number of women in leadership roles is growing, however many still face unconscious bias in the workplace. Unconscious bias refers to social stereotypes relating to specific groups of people, that are formed by individuals outside of their conscious awareness.

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast! - Which Is More Important
Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast! – Which Is More Important?

As the phrase by Peter Drucker says, culture is the determining factor upon the success of an organisation’s strategy. According to this idea, no matter how amazing your strategy is, if your company culture isn’t adequate, your business visions are set up for failure. 

What is safety culture in the workplace
What is safety culture in the workplace?

Safety culture is the broad concept that encompasses the promotion of safety values, procedures and beliefs in the workplace. It also contributes to the wider organisational culture, where individuals are working collaboratively to reach goals.