In professional sports there are 4 C's that help build a high performing culture. Care, Compassion, Celebration and Competition. These can be used to build a high performing corporate culture.
How do you identify potential future leaders? If you are like most then you promote your high achieving individual performers. Its important to understand that doing the work and leading a team are not the same thing.
Do the number of positive reinforcements outweigh the number negative reinforcements?
What behaviors are you consistently displaying that has you leading by example inside of your organization?
Playing the game and coaching the game are two very different things yet we see far too many companies promote their highest performers into leadership positions only to see them fail.
What framework have you created inside of your team to enable all players to engage in open and honest dialogue as a means to challenge each other and achieve better business results?
One way to enable your A-players to become great leaders is to implement a leadership development plan.
A common response from today's leaders when they speak of their younger generation is "I just don't seem to speak their language". That's because they are not.
The performance of your team directly correlates to the strength of the relationships. Strength of relationships are built upon the depth of the conversations.
For decisions to flow quickly, productivity to be high, collaboration to be fluent, dialogue to flow powerfully, there has to be alignment and trust.
The faster any team can work their way through a challenge, the faster they can jump onto the next one.
As companies begin to scale and adopt more efficient working styles, an organisational concept that is gaining greater significance is the importance of cross functional relationships across departments.