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On this page you'll find  all the latest news and culture tips as Performance by Design continues to drive change within organisations globally.
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Aligning culture with the bottom line

This report by Heidrick & Struggles unveils their second survey findings of CEOs on how they see a well-crafted corporate culture can significantly impact your bottom line.

Learn about the National Standard – Organizational Culture

This 3 min video is a great illustration of what culture is with examples of what negative and positive cultures could look like.

If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories

This insightful podcast from the Harvard Business Review with Jay Barney, professor at the University of Utah’s Eccles School of Business, explores leaders who successfully led culture change with stories.

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How do we Help Middle Managers?

This Culture Couch Live explores how best to help middle managers. Since the pandemic, managers have had extra pressure from top management and from their teams, with the need to balance the transition from a hybrid work environment to one in the office, and in addition to working on projects they are responsible for.

Is a recent firing weighing on you?

In this 30-minute podcast, Susan David, psychologist, and lecturer at Harvard Medical School discussed the various aspects of firing - and being fired.

Concepts – The Map

This digital article is a simple and practical introduction to Jim Collins' disciple concepts around People, thought and action. His concepts are distilled magnificently under each stage.

How to Trust People You Don’t Like WorkLife with Adam Grant

Astronauts on the International Space Station live in capsules together for months. And yes, they can get on each other's nerves. A crew of astronauts from different countries -- and the wilderness trainer who was called in for an emergency intervention -- share fresh insights about handling conflict and building trust.

How To Work With Someone You Don’t Like

Not everyone at work needs to be your friend. There’s plenty of research that explains why some relationships are easier than others. Humans are complex social creatures with our own values and embedded beliefs about how people should behave, interact, and communicate.

High Five: an MVP Move

Heard of the famous NBA Touch Study? Teams who touched / high fived more had a greater propensity of winning. Read on to find out why.

5 Things High-Performing Teams Do Differently

When it comes to building extraordinary workplaces, research has told us that these 3 key ingredients are essential: autonomy, competence and relatedness. Relatedness has always been the trickiest for companies to navigate. How do you get your teammates to like each other?

How Fast Feedback Fuels Performance

Employees are hungry for feedback from their leaders, managers and peers. This Gallup article explores fast feedback, and its power for businesses.

The Essentials: Giving Feedback

This insightful podcast from the Harvard Business Review explores feedback, and how to get better at this tough but critical skill.