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Culture Couch Live

"The Culture Couch Live" is a weekly Q&A hosted LIVE by Performance by Design director and AFL great, Paul Roos. Whether you’re the CEO of a high-performing company or the coach of your local AFL team, these sessions can help you find ways to adapt and overcome even the most complicated leadership challenges. Join the PBD team as they share their stories and experiences of being a leader, and tips for building sustainable, high performing cultures. Don't leave your culture to chance, watch "The Culture Couch LIVE" today.

You can now listen to "The Culture Couch Live" on Spotify as well.
Culture Couch
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Week 17 – 17th July 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our seventeenth week of live meetings for 2021 we discuss becoming a good leader.

  • Are you the leader you wish you had?

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Week 16 – 2nd July 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our sixteenth week of live meetings for 2021 we discuss the concept of trust. Defining what it means and how it impacts companies in a practical sense.

  • We ask the team, what is the impact of trust on the success of a company and how do you influence it in a positive manner?

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Week 15 – 23rd June 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our fifteenth week of live meetings for 2021 we discuss how most leaders believe culture is the most important aspect of their business, yet a large portion of those same leaders defer to strategy.

  • We ask the team, why do leaders believe culture is the most important aspect of their business, yet a large portion of those same leaders defer to strategy?

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Week 14 – 15th June 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our fourteenth week of live meetings for 2021 we discuss what it takes to become good leader.

  • More importantly do leaders need to have external support from either a mentor or coach?

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Week 13 – 7th June 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our thirteenth week of live meetings for 2021 we discus the current leadership issue within Politicians in Australia. A somewhat controversial topic that sparks a lot of debate between the PBD team.

  • What is the definition of leadership?
  • Why are politicians such poor leaders?

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Week 12 – 21st May 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our twelfth week of live meetings for 2021 we introduce David Misson our Senior Performance Consultant to our audience. Welcome David to the Performance by Design team.

  • Tell us a little but about your history through sport and into the corporate space?
  • Who do you admire?
  • In the corporate space how do you take an underperforming leader on the journey to become a good l

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Week 11 – 14th May 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our eleventh week of live meetings for 2021 we take a question that has been coming up all the time during our workshops.

  • Now teams are getting back to the office, what is the workplace going to look like? How do we manage the work from home work from office scenario?

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Week 10 – 7th May 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our tenth week of live meetings for 2021 we take a question from our community.

  • Karly mentioned accountability and having a conversation with someone whose behaviour doesn't represent the Company Culture, can we do a bit more of a deep dive of this topic?

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Week 9 – 23rd April 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

In our ninth week of live meetings for 2021 we introduce Karly Leach, our Senior Performance Consultant to our audience. Welcome Karly to the Performance by Design team.

  • When we want to understand the culture of an organisation, a good starting point is to ask the newest member of the team. Karly what have you seen since joining the Performance by Design family?
  • Karly was worked

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Week 8 – 12th March 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

Our eighth week of live meetings for 2021 where we answer key questions from our community.

  • I have heard you talk about "Real Talk" and face to face feedback. At our company we do anonymous feedback and surveys. What are the benefits and negatives of both?

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Week 7 – 5th March 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

Our seventh week of live meetings for 2021 where we answer key questions from our community.

  • We have a pretty good culture at our work, but our meetings are really disorganised and I think it will disrupt our culture?

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Week 6 – 4th March 2021
An interview with the PBD Team

Our sixth week of live meetings for 2021 where we answer key questions from our community.

  • Reflecting on last weeks culture couch, why is it difficult for people to show emotion and vulnerability, especially leaders?

Overcoming Leadership Challenges

"The Culture Coach" podcast explores a range of obstacles faced by leaders across Australia. Conducting interviews with sporting CEOs, successful entrepreneurs, famous athletes, and well-established managing directors - we take a look at common leadership challenges and discover techniques to overcome them.

Diversity and Inclusion

As a leader, diversity and inclusion should always be a priority. Not only does it drive economic growth, but it is also essential for social well being. Brilliant Women Global’s Janine Kirk AM (Chair Phoenix Australia) and Ana Marinkovic (Executive GM, NAB Small Business) take us on a journey as they share their views on resilience, diversity and inclusion - from the onset of Covid-19 to their prediction post pandemic.

Sometimes change is necessary

While your business may be successful, sometimes, change is necessary to breakthrough to the next level. Successful, young entrepreneur Emile Studham was growing an exciting business. However, behind the success, Emile was struggling. Unable to hold difficult conversations with his team, and feeling isolated and lonely - Emile knew something needed to change and explored ways to achieve this.

Inspiring the youth

Powerful stories can inspire young girls and boys to do better and achieve their dreams. At 16, Bianca Chatfield won a premiership in her first season at Phoenix, and 2 years later was selected for the Australian team. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing for Chatfield. Before the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Bianca was dropped from the squad and had to overcome the personal disappointment of a very public omission.

Mindfulness is meaningful

Often an aspect overlooked in leadership, Tami Roos has been practicing, studying (PhD) and writing about meditation for decades. She speaks to the importance of daily rituals, and how focusing on this practice can improve every aspect of your life.

Authenticity and honesty

Sales Consultant turned Head of Sales, Miling Harpur steadily rose through the ranks at corporate traveller. Tasked with the responsibility to increase the accountability of the sales team to improve results, Miling used her energy and passion for her job to inspire her team to achieve their goals.

Trying new things

They say curiosity killed the cat, but in reality, it made him. Exploring new options, finding innovative solutions and discovering ways to make a difference are crucial in performing as a leader. John Higgins, one of Australia’s most successful businessmen discusses how he quickly realised he would need to expand his portfolio to support his family.