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How you provide feedback directly impacts performance

One of the main responsibilities of a leader is to support and guide their team towards excellent results. Oftentimes, this requires leaders to look at what is working well currently, what isn’t and what can be done to improve performance. For leaders to effectively communicate this to their direct reports, they need to engage in a feedback session.

Feedback is a very powerful tool, carrying the ability to directly impact employee performance. Effective feedback can be the difference between a high-performing team and one that coasts on by doing the bare minimum. 

Although leaders may give feedback with the intention of positively impacting an employee’s performance, it doesn’t always pan out that way. In fact, sometimes it can do the exact opposite. This is why leaders must be very well-informed and calculated about the ways in which they give feedback to their employees. That includes constructive criticism as well as positive feedback and recognition. Both sides of the equation are equally necessary and have the power to influence and impact employee performance. 


Constructive criticism doesn’t have to feel negative

While everyone loves receiving positive feedback, constructive criticism isn’t always received so well. This isn’t always the employee’s fault either. While employees do need to learn to receive feedback, leaders must understand how to give feedback in a constructive, non-threatening and positive manner. Constructive feedback sessions should be:

When done correctly, constructive criticism can inspire teams and individuals to strive for better performance. 


All feedback was created equal

Just like constructive criticism, positive recognition is essential when trying to influence behavioural change and improve employee performance. Being told what they’re doing well helps team members to feel valued and seen within an organisation. It encourages them to remain motivated and to keep up the good work well into the future. 

If employees receive positive recognition frequently, it will also help them to receive negative feedback easier without feeling the need to become defensive. Effective feedback is all about finding the right balance between positive and constructive. It truly is a skill, one that can’t be learned overnight. It takes practice and a small amount of professional guidance.


Lean to give effective feedback with Performance By Design

If you’re looking to improve your feedback giving skills to empower your team, then get in touch with the Performance By Design team. We are experts in the field of leadership development and coaching and help leaders to get the most out of their teams each and every day.