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Emotional Intelligence Assessments: What Are They and How Can They Help Your Team?

What is Emotional intelligence (EQ)? If you’re a business leader, you’ll know it has become an increasingly important metric within the workplace. EQ refers to the ability to acknowledge, recognize and effectively manage one’s own emotions, as well as those of others. EQ assessments are tools that can measure an individual’s emotional intelligence and identify areas for improvement. 

In this article, we’ll explore EQ assessments, the five key components of high EQ, and why emotional intelligence matters in the workplace.

What are Emotional Intelligence Assessments?

Emotional intelligence assessments are tests or surveys that measure an individual’s emotional intelligence. Several types of emotional intelligence assessments include self-report questionnaires, ability tests, and 360-degree feedback assessments. Each type of assessment has its strengths and weaknesses, and employers should choose the assessment that best fits their needs.

What are the most common ways organizations use EQ assessments?

Understanding emotional intelligence through these assessments is a way to ensure you, as a team or business leader, understand your team and how they work together. It can provide great insight into how to get the best from your team and how you can set them up for broader success. 

What are the Five Key Components of High EQ?

There are five key components of high emotional intelligence. These are:


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize, acknowledge and understand one’s emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Individuals with high self-awareness can regulate their emotions and behavior effectively.


Self-regulation is all about your capacity to control your own emotions and behavior. Individuals with high self-regulation can stay calm under pressure and think before they act.


Motivation is the ability to set goals and work towards them. High-motivation individuals can maintain focus and drive, even when facing challenges.


A key factor for anyone working in a team, empathy is the ability to relate to the emotions of others. Individuals with high empathy can build strong relationships and communicate effectively.

Social skills

How easily you communicate and interact with others forms part of your emotional intelligence. Individuals with high social skills can build and maintain relationships, work well in teams, and resolve conflicts.

Understanding the components of emotional intelligence is crucial to unpacking why and how emotional intelligence can help you empower your employees and enhance performance. 

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters

Emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. Studies have shown that individuals with high emotional intelligence are more successful in their careers and can handle stress and pressure better. They are also more effective leaders and are better able to build and maintain strong relationships with their colleagues and employees.

Emotional intelligence assessments highlight the strengths of your employees or potential employees. Those with higher emotional intelligence have usually proven themselves to be:

On a basic level, understanding EQ through assessments means understanding your team better and how to use them. This, in turn, leads to increased emotional well-being, as those who are effectively used, enjoying their role and being challenged have a higher level of well-being. 

By recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and subsequent assessments, organizations can create a culture that values and prioritizes emotional well-being. When team members possess high emotional intelligence, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction, exhibit resilience, and contribute positively to the team’s and the organisation’s overall success.

How Can EQ Assessments Help Your Team?

EQ assessments can be a valuable tool for improving your team’s emotional intelligence. Individuals can develop their emotional intelligence skills through training and coaching by identifying areas for improvement. This can lead to better communication, stronger relationships, and increased productivity.

In addition, EQ assessments can help teams understand each other’s emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. This can improve team dynamics and lead to more effective collaboration and problem-solving.

EQ Assessments are just the Beginning

Emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the workplace, and EQ assessments are a valuable tool for measuring and improving emotional intelligence skills. By understanding the five key components of high EQ and why emotional intelligence matters, employers can use EQ assessments to build more productive and successful teams. Want to know more about emotional intelligence? Read our blog post on emotional intelligence and why it should be measured on our blog. 

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