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What is leadership?

Everyone in your team is a leader. In fact, we hope that you think of yourself as a leader within your organization.

You are defined as a leader by the behaviours you consistently display.
Leaders take action. When they see something positive, they reward it. When they see something negative, they challenge it (and often, the best way to do this is by asking a question).

3 key components to being a great leader:

  1. Deliver on your word.
  2. Know your stuff.
  3. Work hard.

Lead by example

As mentioned, leading is about behaving well.
When we find ourselves around a great leader, we often want to be like them. In other words, we tend to follow their behaviour.

Highest impact activities

We can help each other be the best leaders and performers we can be by simply committing to a systematic approach to reflecting on our experiences and reviewing our own and each other’s performance. Over time, this structure alone will help each of us understand what are the most important actions we have to consistently display that will have the biggest impact on our team.