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How to practice “Real Talk” – The giving and receiving of feedback

"Real Talk" is the giving and receiving of feedback that has a positive impact on performance.

Feedback Comes in two forms

  1. Areas of strength: Great work, keep doing more of that....
  2. Areas for growth: I think you/we can do it better this way…

When giving and receiving feedback, the foundation for conversations comes from within the framework of your culture code and primarily your values (team identity) and best behaviours.

What we consistently see in under-performing teams:

They have no framework to provide the necessary information to know whether or not they are succeeding or they are on the wrong path. They have no scoreboard to know whether they are winning or losing.

"Real Talk" sessions

With PBD, you have built a system to bring you along and consistently improve performance. By simply sticking to the structure that’s been implemented, you will, as a united team, help each other improve in an ongoing manner.

There is no destination in building a high-performance culture. Because it's about behaviours, it's not something you get or achieve, it's something you do.