Internal disconnection is a real threat to the survival of your organization. Not knowing if your team members are all moving in the same direction and are clear on their role and expectations of each other, can have you lose trust, confidence and connection with your team/s. Connected individuals build high performing cultures.
Because every team is unique, Performance by Design adapts to suit all personalities and all situations. We use the Real Talk data generated at each training session (whether in person or virtual) to implement specific structures that lead to continual improvement. This highly tailored approach is how we are able to deliver sustained business impact.
It's not your job as a leader to provide all the solutions and answers, especially through challenging times. Your job is to remain calm and positive through adversity and create a level of safety and security for your team/s to perform.
There is little to no time to conduct ineffective and unproductive virtual meetings right now. The threat of disconnection and a drop-in morale can, and will, have a long-term impact on the performance of your team/s.