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The power of a Performance by Design review process

In professional sport, when compared to the corporate space, we see a greater amount of reviews conducted both individually and as a team. We also see that the intensity around being reviewed is far greater in the professional sports world because you are not only getting reviewed internally, but also externally through the media.

The reality is the same team dynamics that support professional sports teams to win, are the same team dynamics that help corporate teams win.

Therefore, at PBD we systematically implement various forms of reviews within all teams we work with, in order to drive peer accountability, which in turn drives performance.

We often use 3 simple questions, over and over again, in order to consistently praise and recognise performance, as well as challenge each other and the status quo.

  1. What worked?
  2. What didn’t?
  3. What can we do better?

Simple and powerful.

Easy to remember.

Easy to implement.

A genuine commitment to continual improvement

Provides a place to work where we feel fulfillment, connection (to those around us and on this journey with us) and purpose behind what you do.