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“Real Talk” is a learned skill therefore it can be practiced

Our definition of a high performing culture is one where all team members can engage in open, honest and constructive conversations about performance, irrespective of their position on the team. We call this "Real Talk".

When you look at performance, it all starts with a conversation. The best leaders articulate their vision, create a safe environment, reward good behavior and hold their team to account on unacceptable behavior.

It is important to understand that "Real Talk" is a learned skill, therefore it can be practiced. Just because we all speak a common language, does not mean we are necessarily good at communicating.

The whole PBD system that has been integrated into your organization is built around your team’s ability to conduct "Real Talk" with your team mates. Over time, the better the team gets at this skill, the more you will improve your overall performance.

The system also allows for little and often training. The more we practice "Real Talk", the better we get at it.

The more timely we deliver feedback, the more powerful it is. "Real Talk" in real time. Via a training program that allows for little and often opportunities to practice giving and receiving feedback, the better we will become at delivering real time feedback.

Clarity is power!

The ability to provide your team mates with stories and examples when delivering Real Talk, provides clarity and context to improve behaviours and performance of the team.

That’s why timely feedback is the most powerful, because of its clarity.


When giving and receiving feedback, it is extremely important that it is delivered without humour. Humour used when delivering feedback results in it being received as a joke.

Real Talk delivered with humour, is easily misconstrued and will decrease its impact. This is not high performance dialogue therefore does not have a positive impact on performance.