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The importance of cross department relationships in a company’s success

As companies begin to scale and adopt more efficient working styles, an organisational concept that is gaining greater significance is the importance of cross functional relationships across departments. While internal team dynamics are the most important factor to get right first, cross department relationships should not be neglected. 

Challenges of dysfunctional cross department relationships 

Companies with little to no interaction or relationships between departments tend to face a lot of challenges related to efficiency and productivity. 

These include: 

Benefits of cross functional relationships

There are numerous benefits to having cross department relationships which impacts on the success of a company, as listed below: 

How to create positive cross functional relationships

There are many ways you can lead your organisation to perform better, such as:

Get in touch with our team to learn more

Want to strengthen your company’s cross functional relationships? Don’t forget to check out our article on how to build a high performing team. Performance by Design specialises in helping you boost productivity, employee engagement and improving your way of working. Contact us today to see how we can help you.